Friday, June 27, 2008


  • Stand in front of the mirror and take a good look at yourself. Do you like what you see, and what u observe like me? lol... If you're exerting any effort to get in to your jeans, it's time to do something about that growing mid-section. The good news is that, no matter what your waistline size is, you can get rid of unsightly fat and have a shapely figure. It begins with making a firm DECISION. Be committed to take the steps in achieving your goal of having sexy abs. 1st step: CARDIO WORKOUT BEFORE BREAKFAST ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. drink a glass of water upon waking up in the morning. Put on your workout gear and either run, brisk walk, bike, swim or go to an exercise class for at least 30 minutes (work up to 45 minutes) 3 to 4 times weekly. Make sure you do something that will make you sweat so you know the workout is intense enough. Don't neglect a good stretch after the workout. I guaranteed to make u feel great! 2nd step: EAT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST. When you start your day eating right, you tend to follow through during the day. Vary your breakfast so it stays appealing. 3rd step: JUNK THE WHITE, SWITCH TO BROWN Make the switch to whole wheat, rye or multigrain bread instead of white bread for your sandwiches. Not only has it less fat but whole wheat bread also contains more fiber and is readily available in any supermarket. The same goes for rice try brown rice which is more nutritious and tastier than the white variety. If you're an rice eater, try to eliminate eating it in the evening when you don't need much energy. If you're now eating three cups a day, cut it down to two. 4th step: WALK, TAKE STAIRS Instead of e-mailing or texting colleague, walk over to her room or office to talk. Its healthier and you burn extra calories, plus, having direct contact with someone you want to communicate with is oftentimes the more effective and productive thing to do. 5fh step: STRETCH, DO AB WORK BEFORE SLEEPING Remember you are trying to have a bikini beach body by summer year 2009 so take the extra step to do five minutes of stretching and an additional 100 reps of ab work before you go to bed. It only takes about 10 to 12 minutes and you will also sleep better. Do it while watching DVD so you're entertained and you will hardly feel you're exercising. Remember the two foremost components to having sexy abs is EXERCISE and EAT RIGHT...

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